Business IdentifierExample Org.
ReferenceLogin/Register to request access
Looking ForPartner
Company Start Date2008-09-19
Financial Year EndLogin/Register to request access
Business DescriptionThis business serves as an example on BusinessPortal-NZ and all data added is fictional.
You will not be able to add it to your shortlist or message the business owner and it will not come up in any searches on BusinessPortal-NZ. One of the existing partners wants to sell 10% of his shares. Looking for somebody dynamic with contacts in the industry. |
Registered for GSTLogin/Register to request access
Type of BusinessLogin/Register to request access
Current StatusIn Talks
Business EnvironmentLogin/Register to request access
Supplier TypesLogin/Register to request access
Client TypesLogin/Register to request access
Legal RegulationLogin/Register to request access
Asking Price ($)170,000.00
Annual Sales Revenue ($)3,545,000.00
Monthly Free Cash Flow ($)1,000.00
Estimate of Business Value ($)Login/Register to request access
Estimate based onLogin/Register to request access
StrengthsLogin/Register to request access
WeaknessesLogin/Register to request access
OpportunitiesLogin/Register to request access
ThreatsLogin/Register to request access
Estimated Annual Increase/Decline (%)Login/Register to request access
Estimated Annual Turnover (%)Login/Register to request access
Estimated Annual Increase/Decline (%)Login/Register to request access
Estimated Annual Turnover (%)Login/Register to request access
Private Ownership |
Business Ownership |
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Private Voting Weight |
Business Voting Weight |
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Alternative Voting RightLogin/Register to request access
Less than 7 days late ($)Login/Register to request access
Between 7 and 14 days late ($)Login/Register to request access
Between 14 and 30 days late ($)Login/Register to request access
Between 30 and 60 days late ($)Login/Register to request access
More than 60 days late ($)Login/Register to request access
Not to be paid ($)Login/Register to request access
Reason for non-paymentLogin/Register to request access
As at:Login/Register to request access
On or before
Less than 7 days lateLogin/Register to request access
Between 7 and
Between 14 and 30 days lateLogin/Register to request access
Between 30 and 60 days lateLogin/Register to request access
More than 60
Total Due ($)Login/Register to request access
Total Overdue ($)Login/Register to request access